Obsługa gości

  1. Recepcja
  2. Kontrola dostępu


  1. Terminologia

When you assign a reviewer to a category, they will be able to assess the surveys that belong to that category. This is particularly useful for academic conferences - you can have submitted papers reviewed by experts in the field. 

The Reviewers tab features a table containing the list of reviewers.

  • Fill the Name and surname column with the reviewer's details
  • Add the information about the reviewer's affiliation in the Organisation column.
  • E-mail addresses provided in the next column must be correct. This is the address the system will send notifications about new surveys to, provided that the category matches the reviewer.
  • The column labeled Language of communication contains a select field that allows you to pick one of configured language versions. Based on this selector, the system will:
    - send e-mails in the reviewer's language,
    - enable access to the Review form in the selected language version.
  • The checkboxes in the Categories column allow you to assign one or more categories to a reviewer. Doing this will enable the reviewer to access surveys of this category.
  • The last column contains two icons that allow you to remove the reviewer and to access the review form. NOTICE: give this link to any reviewer you task with assessing the surveys.
  • Complete the list of reviewers using the add new reviewer button.
  • Remember to Save any alterations.





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