Obsługa gości

  1. Recepcja
  2. Kontrola dostępu


  1. Terminologia

We usually use terms and conditions to attach full texts of rules and regulations to clauses. The terms and conditions editor looks similar to the website page editor. Terms and conditions do in fact exist in the system as subpages.

  • The Title of window (popup) field holds the text that will appear as the header of the modal window that contains the terms and conditions. It will also function as a subpage title visible in the Website module interface and the website navigation bar (if you tick its visibility in the navigation bar).
  • In the Text of link field, you can provide the hypertext (the clickable text) that can be placed in a clause and will cause the modal window to pop up on click.
  • Input the desired terms and conditions page address in the Direct URL address field. This unique string of characters will be displayed in the browser's address bar, after the domain.
  • The icon shows/hides the terms and conditions content editor.
  • The icon deletes the terms and conditions.
  • Use the button add Terms & Conditions to add as many terms and conditions as you need. You could preapre terms and conditions for different language versions or types of participation. Note that there is no such category as language version when dealing with terms and conditions. Thus, it is only a matter of linking the right page into the right language version of the clause.
  • Remember to Save any alterations.





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