Obsługa gości

  1. Recepcja
  2. Kontrola dostępu


  1. Terminologia

The Edit user details and permissions panel contains:

  • The user's Full name. If the account is not linked to a person but e.g. to the reception desk, you can always name the user 'Reception Desk'.
  • The fields Login and Password that the user needs to enter to log into the administration panel. NOTICE! This field is empty when you open this panel. If you do not need to change the user's password, leave the field empty.
  • The E-mail address field.
  • The Interface language select field lets you pick the preferred language to be used in the administration panel.
  • The Save button.
  • The list of modules and sections of the administration panel you can check to assign access permissions to that user.

NOTICE: users other than the account owner can log into the application at https://yourdomain.conrego.com/admin/login

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